A decade in Mark and Karin's company

Created by Jon 2 months ago
We’ve known Mark for over a decade. I first met Mark and Karin at one of their many house parties. I came along with Felicity (a colleague of Karin's) and from then on we've met up regularly over the years and enjoyed many an evening. Amongst the many things about Mark that I'll always remember will be his love of cooking and music. His cooking was on a level comparable to any high end kitchen and his music taste matched mine in all but one area. He loved Cream, Clapton, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Mark Knoffler etc al. But I was never able to convince him that Neil Young was a tour de force in the World of music. Despite many efforts to convert him he could never get Neil Young's caterwauling voice out of his head. He will be much missed, but maybe one day when we meet again I'll have another go at getting him to appreciate Neil Young. I hope you and Michael can find solace in the fact that so many people had such love for Mark. ❤️ Jon and Felicity